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3 Ways Good Communication Skills Can Boost Your Child’s Wellbeing

As a child develops, the ability to communicate effectively is a skill that must be nurtured, so they are better able to express themselves at any time and in any setting.


Before getting into the nitty gritty of good communication skills a child must develop, let’s take a look at the moment a baby is born into the world. It is interesting that babies enter into the world with a cry (here’s the baby expressing himself about the changes in his circumstance – location in this case).


The manner or absence of this communication from the baby would determine how doctors would react as well as the quality of attention the baby would receive from the medical team.


When the baby arrives home, they continue to communicate with their parents and caregivers through sounds of crying, cooing, facial expressions, and gestures/body movement. Babies communicate like this for as long as the people around them continue to respond to them. This way, they grow their communication skills effectively during the first few years of life.

From above scenario, it is obvious that good communication can be developed in a child from the very moment they are born into the world. Good communication skill is first developed at home as children communicate with their parents, siblings, friends, and other adults in their lives. In other words, the more you communicate with your child, the earlier and faster they will develop good communication skills that will enhance their wellbeing.


Here are 3 ways good communication skills can boost your child’s wellbeing:

1. Communication is a key element of human existence and good communication skills play a vital role in interpersonal relationships (Be it parent-child, teacher-student, or intimate relationships). Interpersonal relationships determine the influence of people over one another and without good communication skills, messages can be misunderstood, and this can largely impact on a person’s wellbeing.


A child who develops great communication skills like listening, clarifying, questioning, being present, empathy, sharing and maintaining eye contact early in life stands at a better chance at building interpersonal relationships effortlessly. These are key communication skills that are required for stronger family connection, success in schools, social gathering and nearly every job specification.


2. Problem solving is achieved by effective communication skills. Most problems in life arises from interpersonal relationships and they flow from misunderstood or misperceived messages. Being good at problem solving is a skill that arises from being effective at communication which will in turn influence a person’s success in life.


A child who is an active listener (listening with the eyes, ears, and heart) connects with other people in distinct ways and will be able the draw inferences and proffer solutions to problems. Children who know they are problem solvers are positive and this sets them apart and sets them up for meaningful living.


3. Good communication skills breed self-confidence. The ability to effectively express oneself determines the quality of life and the kind of job offers one will get in later life – this makes good communication crucial in a child’s development.


Children who believe in themselves, and their abilities are most often always strong and eager to face challenges that comes their way no matter how difficult. They are respectful, willing to share ideas and cooperate with other people. It is believed that when young people are confident in themselves and their abilities, they view problems as challenges that need to be tackled rather than as stressors to be avoided.


One great way you can enhance your child’s communication skills during the early years is to read to your child as frequently as possible. This will improve comprehension and your child will in turn be able to communicate verbally and produce written communication with ease. The good thing is that good communication skills, like any other skill, can be developed and enhanced at any age and they can boost your child’s wellbeing in so many ways.


You can Equip Your Child by signing them up for any of our programmes (click here) which are structured to enhance the communication and social skills of your children.

Deborah Lucky-Deekor
Certified Kids Life Coach and Founder, Equipping The Child Studio.

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