• 09090007249, 08169564644
  • info@equippingthechild.com
  • Victoria Island, Lagos

Our Resources

Take advantage of the vast material here to help your children and also support you as parents

Our Recommedations

Explore our collection of free and premium resources to help you Equip Your Child…

Top Recommendations.

Nurturing Self-Leadership and Resilience in Children and Teens

The seeds of self-leadership and resilience will help your child become independent and more responsible, better able to handle challenges and tough times, demonstrate confidence at all levels, become accountable, become more aware of own emotions and behavior, communicate effectively, and build stronger and meaningful connections.


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EQUIP-SELF CHALLENGE for children and teens

At Equipping The Child Studio, we believe that every child is born a leader and can actively lead self to achieve set goals; self-regulate, identify and manage own emotions. Complete one of these self-leadership challenges a day and remember to celebrate the hero in you.

Lessons from Timeless Mothers [eBook]

Learn practical lessons from women who have gone ahead and laboured over their children until they become healthy adults.


Motherhood: A Double-Edged Sword. [eBook]

A Practical Guide for Every Mother on Raising Godly Children,
with Lessons from Timeless Mothers, will help you to understand what motherhood is, your influence as
a mother and the possible outcome of your influence on your children.

***Instant Download***

Motherhood: A Double-Edged Sword.

A Practical Guide for Every Mother on Raising Godly Children,
with Lessons from Timeless Mothers, will help you to understand what motherhood is, your influence as
a mother and the possible outcome of your influence on your children.

31-Days Personal Development Affirmations For Children and Teens. {PDF}

Positive Affirmations for children and teens to support self-compassion, growth mindset, and belief in God and themselves.

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